Rambling American Pillar Rose Bare Root


Rambling ‘American Pillar’ Bare Root Rose

Plant Fact File:

  • Plant Type: Rambling Rose
  • Form: Bare Root
  • Flower Color: Deep Carmine-Pink
  • Fragrance: Light
  • Growth: Tall Rambler, 20ft (6m)


The Rambling ‘American Pillar’ Bare Root Rose is a captivating rose variety known for its once-flowering habit and striking deep carmine-pink blooms with a white eye. As a tall rambler, it creates a visually stunning display.

Key Features:

  • Flower Color: ‘American Pillar’ boasts almost single flowers in deep carmine-pink, adorned with a charming white eye.
  • Fragrance: The rose carries a light fragrance, contributing a subtle scent to your outdoor space.
  • Growth: With a height of 20ft (6m), ‘American Pillar’ has a tall and vigorous rambler growth habit.

Planting Tips:

  1. Soak the bare roots in water for a few hours before planting to ensure proper hydration.
  2. Provide sturdy support for the rambling canes, such as a trellis or pergola.
  3. Plant the rose at the same depth it was growing in the nursery.
  4. Water thoroughly after planting and maintain consistent moisture during the establishment period.

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