Rose Peach Melba Large Trellis 1.2m


Fact File:

  • Plant Type: Deciduous Climber
  • Common Name: Peach Melba Rose
  • Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Peach Melba’
  • Growth Habit: Climbing, spreading
  • Height: 1.2m (3.9 feet) on trellis
  • Spread: Variable, depending on support and pruning
  • Foliage: Glossy, dark green leaves
  • Flower Color: Peachy-orange
  • Flowering Period: Mid-summer to early autumn
  • Hardiness: Hardy to frost
  • Aspect: Full sun to partial shade
  • Soil Type: Well-draining soil, prefers slightly acidic to neutral pH
  • Uses: Ornamental, trellis, walls, fences, arches


Rosa ‘Peach Melba’, commonly known as Peach Melba Rose, is a charming deciduous climber valued for its exquisite peachy-orange blooms and vigorous growth. Perfect for large trellises, it reaches up to 1.2+ meters in height. This rose is admired for its vibrant floral color and attractive foliage, making it an excellent choice for adding a touch of elegance to garden structures.

Key Features:

  • Peachy-Orange Flowers: Rosa ‘Peach Melba’ produces clusters of stunning peachy-orange roses from mid-summer to early autumn. The blooms have a soft, elegant color and a subtle fragrance, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in the garden.
  • Glossy Foliage: The plant features glossy, dark green leaves that provide a rich backdrop to the colorful flowers and enhance the overall visual appeal of the rose.
  • Climbing Habit: This rose naturally climbs and spreads, making it ideal for training on trellises, walls, and fences. It can also be used to enhance arches or other vertical garden features.
  • Hardy and Adaptable: Rosa ‘Peach Melba’ is hardy and can tolerate frost, making it suitable for a range of climates. It thrives best in full sun to partial shade and prefers well-draining soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH.
  • Versatile Uses: Perfect for covering vertical structures like trellises and walls, Rosa ‘Peach Melba’ can also be used to create stunning floral displays on arches and other garden features.
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