Westland Houseplant Potting Mix, 4 litres


Westland Houseplant Potting Mix is a specialist mix of wood fibre and perlite for airflow and drainage. Ideal use for potting or re-potting most indoor plants.
  • Added seramis granules for water management
  • Essential nutrients for healthy growth and greener leaves
  • Specialist brand

Why Use

  • This open, free draining mix promotes healthier growth and greener leaves for an outstanding indoor garden!
  • Contains unique Seramis granules for optimum water and nutrient availability
  • Added perlite for airflow & drainage resulting in healthier root development

What to Expect

  • Healthy beautiful plants

When to Use

  • Spring or Autumn

How to Use

Potting and Re-potting

  • Water plant well and allow to drain
  • Choose a pot around 3-5cm larger than the old one with drainage holes
  • Place a layer of potting mix in the bottom of the new pot and carefully remove the plant from its pot
  • Holding it upright and in the middle of the pot, carefully fill with potting mix around the sides until the pot is full
  • Tap the pot to settle the mix and water well


  • Westland Houseplant Potting Mix contains sufficient nutrients to feed plants for approx. 6 weeks
  • After this period, feeding should commence with Westland Houseplant Feed.
  • Feed every second watering in the active growing season (spring/summer) and every fourth watering in the winter


  • Under or over watering houseplants are one of the main causes of the plants failing
  • Do not allow the plant to sit in water or sodden compost as this will stunt root growth and prevent air movement around the roots
  • It can also make the plant more susceptible to pests and diseases
  • Overwatering can cause leaf yellowing and loss, and a shortened flowering period.
  • Equally do not allow the compost to dry out completely as this can also cause damage to the plant
  • Regularly checking the compost to see if it is still moist in the summer months (less frequently in the cooler months) is the best way to ensure proper watering
  • Knowing when to water your houseplants can be difficult. Westland Watering Indicator sticks are a useful way of knowing when the compost in your plant pot has dried out. The easy to use sticks change colour from blue to red when the plant needs re-watering

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